Winter Fertilization

Winter is one of the most challenging times for our lawns. Therefore, ensuring they get through this season without difficulties is essential. Luckily, we’ve got a winter fertilization program explicitly designed for your needs.

Why Is Winter Fertilizer Important?

At Dr. Green, we always talk about “winterizing your lawn”, which is a fancy of saying preparing your lawn for winter. Much like a house, lawns also need to be prepped for winter. We apply winter fertilizer as part of this process because we want to strengthen your lawn and help it withstand winter. We also want it to bounce back quickly in the spring. When we fertilize your lawn in the winter, the grass takes up about 65% of the fertilizer right away, which helps strengthen the root system. The remaining 35% or so stays in the soil and is available to the grass in the spring. This will hold the lawn over until we can come by and fertilize again in the spring.

Winter Lawn Care: Before the frost, there are a few steps you should take to ensure your lawn is green and thick this Spring

The Best Time to Apply Winterizer Fertilizer

The best time to apply a winterizer fertilizer is late October to mid-November. Applying it too early can mean it will wear off too early before winter, and there is really no way to apply it too late unless you actually miss the first snowfall. The whole goal of winterizer fertilizer is to get nutrients to the grass and soil before we shut down for winter so that your lawn will bounce back nicely in the spring.

In Conclusion

Applying winter fertilizer is an important step in annual lawn care because it helps ensure your grass will recover thick, green, and healthy in the spring. It will also help stave off fungus and diseases such as grey or pink snow mold, fairy ring, or necrotic ring spot.


Dr. Green For information on Winter Fertilizer, please get in touch with our Lawn Care Expert, Luis Perez, via email at

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